About Food Narratives

The Food Narratives blog aims to explore the rich history and cultural significance of food on customs, traditions, and beliefs, celebrating the diversity of food cultures worldwide. It will also explore political and economic policies, and access, impacting individuals' health and development.


Science, Imagination & Love

I grew up with a mother who was a home economics teacher, a dietician, and led school cafeterias (everything was made from scratch). She stressed the connection between proper nutrition and development and learning; all students were fed, not as a privilege, but as a right. A child of the Great Depression, her family operated a small grocery store. My great- and grandparents made sure everyone who came into that store had food, regardless of income. My great-grandmother immigrated from Poland, and the recipes she passed down to my mom orally are ones that I still make. At an early age, I learned about the science of food and the results of preparing it in different ways. The fascination of science intrigues me, so much so that I started exploring the science of ice cream--the chemical properties, the reaction to freezing, etc. and started making flavors that fused unlikely ingredients. The flavors came together, dancing in the mouth with delight. I attended the 131st annual Penn State University ice cream course (a week-long intensive course covering the chemical composition of milk, ice molecules, and taste comparisons).

I grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where I spent much time with the Amish neighbors. At age two, I began to go with my dad to pick cherries, peaches, pears, and apples at the local orchard and help in the garden in which we grew unique items like purple string beans. I also liked visiting my grandfather, taking my rubber coin purse filled with pennies, and after a meal, I could go into the store and fill a bag with penny candy. I have the Mister Peanut jar that used to sit on top of that candy counter.

I received a Bachelor of Arts in English from Lebanon Valley College and a Master of Science in Mass Communications from Miami University. Professionally, I have held progressive marketing leadership roles in numerous nonprofit and B2B organizations in higher education, residential construction, and health. Most recently, I was the COO of a family-run e-commerce business. I am passionate about developing energetic, creative teams. An engineering mindset is my biggest strength. With a holistic perspective, I can identify and link interdependent systems and processes across the organization to achieve desired goals. This creates space for staff and organizations to innovate and grow. I volunteer with hunger-related organizations and am a member of a historically social justice church in Washington, DC.

Top to Bottom: My mom at age 98 and me; Middle: home canned goods entered into four fairs and collecting 13 prize ribbons; Pam Peters, one of my mom's friends and head of Go Sew Sisters, presents me with the quilt my mom requested her to make for me. The top middle cone with the cherry takes the cherry from a piece of handmade dress of my mom's.

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a plate with a piece of cake next to a cup of coffee
a plate with a piece of cake next to a cup of coffee